Friday, April 18, 2008

It's been a week and a day ...

since our Piper has come to join us. So far we've all survived and I've managed to care for a newborn again without breaking her (knock on wood). Things are going as well as can be expected -- the kids still love to see her, hold her, touch her but neither are going near a smelly or wet diaper -- the dogs are coming around. We had her on the floor in her bouncy seat this afternoon before Aunt Kristen came to visit and Guinness and Jack were fantastic with her!! What a difference a week makes!

Thank you all for all of your well wishes and gifts (and food!!) We appreciate all of you and your excitement and enthusiasm helps make this special time a little more special knowing there are so many friends enjoying the time as well!

Monday, April 14, 2008

She's HERE!!!

Well, looking at my last post on 4/9, I've been terribly remiss in updating the blog ... but -- she has arrived.

Her name is Piper Alice and she was born on 4/10 at 4:03 a.m. She weighed in at 7 lbs 2 oz and was 19 1/2 inches long. Her delivery was quick and uncomplicated as far as birthing goes, I guess. We arrived at the hospital at 3:35 a.m. and then there she was!!! The doctor (not my doctor mind you - he was still at home - waiting for the hospital to give him an update on me) had just entered the room to examine me (because I really, really wanted an epidural!!!) and I told them I needed to push - the contractions were hard and fast - and I could feel her coming - they kept telling me to breathe through the contractions - not to push (not an easy task). The doctor peeked under my sheet to see what all of my fussing was about (he wasn't robed, gloved, or anything - everyone was just taking their own sweet time) and he said "oh" - then the husband looked too "oh" was what we got out of him too - the doctor was reaching for a robe and gloves within seconds and instead of telling me to breathe, telling me to PUSH. Two pushes and there she was. Painless, no. Quick, yes. Having a new little girl so quickly and without apparent incident: priceless. (The entire hospital visit, from start to finish is enough to write it's own entry about ... I'll get there ... eventually.)

The kids love her. Twinkletoes is holding her now. She would hold her all of the time if she was able. The first thing DinoBoy wanted to do was hold her when he got off of the school bus. They're trying to be very good with her. It's hard sometimes, because they think they are so grown up and can do whatever they want with her - but it's all good.

She's nursing and sleeping well. She's pooping like a champ and trying to get used to being on the outside with her brother and sister, as well as the dogs. Sudz could really care less that she's arrived, Jack is on the fence about whether or not he should give her a second thought and Guinness is just downright crazy. We didn't send home a blanket or hat or anything with her scent on it for the dogs to get used to ... but I don't think that would have helped Guinness any. He just wants to be near her all of the time and when she cries, forget it; he's a basket case. He needs to be in her face or in your way (like we'd take her somewhere away from him) to figure out why she is making those sounds! Eventually, I'm sure he'll settle down and ignore her like Sudz does.

I haven't uploaded my own pictures yet but I've made a slide show of pictures that others have taken. I'll update after I upload our cameras!

Off to feed the princess -- have a great day!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Guess What?

Still no baby.

I guess I should give up thinking she'll come early. I'm still exactly where I was last week except that I learned that her head is at a stage +2 and it needs to get to -3 for delivery. So - a pregnancy is 40 weeks and technically, I still have 2.5 weeks left. So there. My blood pressure is up as is the swelling in my legs. I think once I'm done with work, that will subside. I also think that because I was sick last week (in bed from Wed-Sun), that had a profound impact on the baby's progress downward. Isn't that what they do when they don't want you to have a baby - put you on bed rest??? So -- I'm psyching myself up for being pregnant for another two weeks .... it's all good.

Friday, April 4, 2008


no baby but boy am i sick!!!! i've been out of work since Wednesday - missed a baby shower the girls had planned for us yesterday and have been told that they've taken a picture of the cake and are eating it without me today (not that I'm allowed to have cake anyhow), but what luck, huh? i guess i have whatever it is that everyone else had before Easter. Stuffy head, runny nose, sore throat, cough - it sucks. Dr. C. told me to take tylenol, use afrin and stay in bed. and to call him when the contractions are 6-7 minutes apart and he'll meet me at the hospital! :-)

the visit on tuesday to the ob went well. was 3 cm dilated (yes, i know how long you can stay at 3 cms) and 80% effaced. i think with all the bed rest i've been getting this week, she'll stay put for at least another week. i totally thought i would go yesterday because my niece left for her senior trip yesterday a.m. the husband's friend had wanted me to go the day before because it was his birthday. (his twins were born on the husband's birthday - so it only seemed fair!). i missed a niece's birthday, a nephew's birthday, friend's birthday, the day of departure, next up is another nephew's birthday on tuesday. we'll see how it goes. i am going back to the drs on tuesday at 4. will let you know how we're progressing.

have a great weekend!