Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Live Wire - Kelly Ripa


Live Wire: Long-Winded Short StoriesLive Wire: Long-Winded Short Stories by Kelly Ripa
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I listened to the audio version of this book -- which has none other than Kelly Ripa narrating her story.

The stories she told of her life were so funny and some, as a parent of multiple children who are around the same ages as her children, and also from southern NJ (HEY YO, KEL!), were so relatable. I loved this book - the laughter I got out of it was much better than any book I've read to date, and even the teary parts of kids growing up and going to college - I get it - and realize that since we still have two more pancakes in our nest, (our youngest with a learning disability that had me immediately looking up the Gaynor School,) I won't be able to enjoy a sunset and quiet, natural beauty for about ... ten more years.

I came back to edit my review after reading some of the other reviews that were low starred. I am a little younger than Kelly, have the 11s between my eyes - remember her from not only AMC days, pre- Regis and Kelly days, but all the way back to Dance Party USA/Dancin' on Air. Were all of the negative reviews reading and/or listening to this book because they thought they were going to get the scoop on the PRIVATE relationship between Regis and Kelly? I could give a hoot about Regis and got this book for the "Kelly" factor, not the Regis factor.

I saw some reviewers complain that it's not a memoir and that Kelly probably had someone else write it for her - um, hello, have you ever read a memoir and thought "this is exactly the story of this person's life"? Nope. Sorry. Everyone has editors and if you listened/read to the afterword you would have known that these "essays" used to be a lot more long winded and thanks to great editors, they're not anymore. And to the people who thought that she was "disparaging" her husband? Do you even have a husband or SO that you spend every minute of every day with? After reading this book, I'm convinced that my husband must be related to Mark Consuleos, minus the Italian part.

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