Friday, February 19, 2010

Lent ...

This week marks the beginning of the Lenten Season.  Traditionally, no meat on Fridays, and other holy days such as today (it was Ash Wednesday when I began this post) .. A time for self reflection and repentance. 

A time for a look in the mirror to see what I'm really not doing -- taking care of my "temple" as the Husband is trying to teach me -- the body is a temple -- we must treat it as such.  Only good things in to get good things out.  Excercise.  Sleep.  Be Happy.  Eat Healthy.  Be Well.  Vitamins.  Play. 

Its hard for me to work on all of them at the same time.  But I'm going to try.  The "exercise" one is the killer for me.  You can see from other posts of mine that I pretty much loathe exercise even though I know of its benefits.  I saw this tip the other day on Yahoo and thought I'd pass it along. 

Tips for Flat Abs

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