I'm still not up to speed on linking to this blog, so bear with me if the entire address shows. On Wednesday, as we are preparing for the excitement of our nephew's graduation, we have to have a "discharge" meeting with the vet. See, Sudz had an ultrasound earlier to see if any of the cancer had gone into other organs - there is a word for it - but I can't spell it now. I just can't do it. How can another one of our dogs have cancer?
I'll tell you why. We have BOXERS. One of the items you'll read on any website about cancer or Boxers is that they go together. From all the years of being inbred to keep the breed's qualities such as a short snout breeders have successfully locked one or more cancer causing genes into these poor dogs.
We met with Dr. S. last night. All of us. Me, the Husband, Nanny Extraordinnaire, the Palentologist and Twinkletoes. We went for the "discharge appointment". I've never had to do this before. I automatically think the worst. While we were in the waiting room, I pay the bill. Less than $400 and there is no cytology charge on my itemized billing. Good or bad? They found too much or they found nothing at all?
Dr. S. finally came in the room. Without the dog. The kids are beginning to get antsy - we never told them that the tumor removed from him was cancerous. I couldn't bring myself to do it. How do I tell them their second pet in a year has cancer? They've only seen the ending of their pet's life from cancer. They've never seen a survivor. So - Dr. S. finally tells us: the news is good! The cancer has not spread. She cannot stress enough though the importance of one more surgery. This is to clean the "dirty" cells from the area surrounding where the tumor was. Getting "clean" edges is what I think they called it. She said all the girls in the back told her that she had to find a way to talk us into the surgery. It will save his life. It will give him possibly 4 or 5 more years with us. I told her we would talk about it. And then, she brought Sudz in. I think we might have been more excited to see him and know that the news was good than he was to see us!!
By the time we got to the school for the Nephew's graduation (not even five minutes away), I was already on the phone with the vet's office setting up Sudz' next surgery for 6/29. This way, he'll be able to recuperate without the kids (all of them!) while we're on vacation. Hopefully it will be more relaxing for him. Only time will tell. How can we not do what the doctor says will save his life?
The Nephews graduation went well!! One received an award. We're so proud of both of them!!! I can't wait to upload my pictures and post them here. Hopefully they came out well!! Good going guys!!